All my life I have been taking things apart, figuring out what was wrong, repairing it, and putting it back together. I used to work on everything from small equipment like lubrication injectors and pumps, to air compressors that were larger than a truck. I have done repairs both in my own home and for other people since I was a teenager. So when I needed a change in career, home inspecting seemed like a great fit.
I like doing inspections because I am always meeting new people and learning new things. Even after 15 years in the business I’m seeing new and interesting things all the time! The best part of being an inspector is helping my clients really understand the home they are investing in. Sometimes it’s pristine, and sometimes it’s not, but at least they know what they are getting into. I enjoy talking with my clients and explaining not only what is found at the inspection, but also how their new home works. I feel that I am really helping my clients and that my work is important and appreciated.
When I’m not doing inspections you can find me out on the water: I like to canoe and do a bit of fishing on the local waterways. When I win the lottery I will own my own sailboat again—I used to race, and would love to sail regularly. I also enjoy taking trips with my family. My wife Mary and I like to take extended weekend trips, and sometimes we take her parents along. We have two grown children who are both charming and intelligent. My son Jud is close by in Fairfax, and my daughter Abbey lives in New York City, where I visit a few times a year and usually help build furniture or hang shelves.